I’m doing a guest post on here today and so excited for you to hear the story behind OG Candle Company! When I arrived for this session, I was blown away by the time and creativity that goes into candle making. You’re not only going to hear their story today, but you’ll also get to see behind the scenes of OG Candle Company.
Taylor and her mother, Tanya, had always wanted to start a candle business. After months of working out the logistics and brainstorming ideas, they were finally ready to start this new adventure. I would try to tell their story myself, but Taylor tells it best so I will let her take over from here!
Take is away, Taylor!
Growth has always been something very important to me. Growth of the students in my classroom. Growth in the gym. Growth in my faith. Growth in our small business.
A lot of you have been able to see our growth in OG Candle Company since day one. We had a crazy idea and jumped into it (some may say a little too quickly), but we were just THAT excited.
I remember making our first batch of candles. Mom had done SO MUCH research of every little thing from the wick size to the perfect wax. I really thought we had this IN THE BAG. Easy peasy.
We started advertising, got everyone hyped up, then tested that first scent and it was . While the candle smelled great in the jar, you COULD NOT smell it when lit. I remember feeling so defeated. How were we going to tell all these people their candles were, in fact, not ready and needed to go through another testing phase? I remember the embarrassment of messaging those customers, but we kept true to our promise to ourselves that we would always be transparent. We had made a mistake and in the famous words of Hannah Montana: Everybody Makes Mistakes. Everybody has those days.
It took us a few weeks to adjust and retest those candles, but then those candles became some of our most popular scents!
Fast forward to today where we have filled 100+ orders and sold HUNDREDS of candles in just our first four months. This is not because of us, but because of YOU!!! You believed in us. You gave honest feedback. You continued to support us. We could not do this without our amazing customers.
All this to say, DREAM BIG!! You have to start somewhere. It’s inevitable, obstacles will arise. We have had our handful, and I’m sure there will be many more. But believe in yourself, keep pushing, and do it! We have said countless prayers over this small business of ours and it has become one of our greatest joys. Nothing compares to the comments, the DMs, and the smiles on peoples faces as they receive and love something that we were able to create. Y’all mean the world to us.
Stay tuned to see OG Candle Company’s newest product line!